Main areas of practice

The Law Firm possesses the required knowledge in handling the relations in the field of administrative law, representing the clients that operate locally and internationally, solving in administrative way the problems that they might face during the exercise of their activity. The problem solving in this way, especially with tax and customs authorities or the Ministry of Finance, Labor and of Economy, avoids potential judicial conflicts.
With the intent of having a quick and efficient solution of the conflicts of its customers, the Law Firm offers and provides representation in arbitration bodies at national and international level. The current stage of the business development requires to be faced with professional challenges and the Law Firm is well-prepared at this.
One of the most important areas where is focused the Law Firm’s work is commercial and business law. It offers to the customer full services in selecting the most appropriate commercial forms to exercise their activity, or in the process of registration, licensing and conduct of their activity. Furthermore are recovered successfully the change of organizational and structural forms of the companies, their transformations, mergers or divisions. The Law Firm has assisted in the establishment of many successful companies operating in Albania, as well as the opening of branches, and offices of their representation.
The Law Firm supports many of its clients, foreign investors, during the tender procedures and obtain in concessions the strategic sectors of the economy in the country. It is specialized and experienced in the preparation of relevant documentation in competitions, assistance during bidding, negotiation and conclusion of concession contracts.
The Law Firm offers protection to criminal prosecutions that are raised by the prosecution organ to its permanent customers. It is prepared professionally in order to provide the appropriate advice to this category of customers, especially about criminal acts in the business field, financial fraud, tax, customs, and insurance and beyond. We have been involved in a large number of criminal cases in this area by protecting successfully our business customers.
The Law Firm offers professional consultancy in the field of customs law. It represents and defends the clients as during the administrative procedures also in the course of conflict resolution in judicial way. The staff of attorneys is well-prepared for this area of law and follows carefully any changes of customs legislation and judicial practice.
The Law Firm has adequate professional knowledge in handling relations in the area of family law representing his clients in Albania and abroad, on judicial way in resolution of family problems in regarding the dissolution of marriage, child custody, removing the ability to act etc.
The Law Firm offers qualified service in this regard not only to prepare the necessary documents for the registration of trademarks or patents by the Registration Office of Trademarks and Patents, but also in representing and protecting the rights on trademarks and Copyrights by the court.
The Law Firm offers services in the area of labor law, social security and health. The consulting about these services are offered to such clients that are part of the business community in Albania, as well as to many NGOs, embassies and various international institutions operating in Albania.
The law firm provides professional consultancy in the field of maritime law. It represents and defends clients in administrative procedures, and the settlement of disputes in court. The staff of the law firm is well prepared for this area of law and is closely monitoring the changes of the maritime legislation, international conventions and judicial practice.
The issues in the field of property rights constitute one of the priority areas covered by the Law Firm, based on the problematic of the property disputes that have been emerged over the years in Albania. The consultation and representation in the property field is realized taking into account the principles established by the national legislation but also under the framework of the protection of fundamental human rights, in order to create a right and long-term practice. The Law Firm supports its customers with professional advice throughout the entire process of sale-purchase of immovable property, till to the protection of the rights arising from the ownership disputes that are finally concluded in the court. The Law Firm has a well prepared staff to deal with professional issues that arise in this area of law.
Our Law Firm covers important issues in the field of human rights and human rights groups and various business entities, including the protection of property rights, the regularity of the lawful process, the personal data, competition and privacy, etc.. This service includes consulting and representation in national and international courts until the conclusion of the conflict by the European Court of Human Rights.
Since the beginning of the activity, the Law Firm is distinguished for its success in resolving disputes. In most of the cases the Law Firm enables the conflict resolution of different nature which brings out the way judicial efficiency in time and cost to the client. In case of the clients’ representation in the judicial system (Court of First Instance, Court of Appeal, the High Court and the Constitutional Court and also in the arbitration) the Law Firm is conducted by the criteria of professionalism and economize. According to the statistics of representation in the judicial way in all the links over the 90% of the represented cases, it has completed successfully. With its experience the Law Firm, has helped in creating and strengthening of the judicial practices. Our defense to the customers ends with the execution of the judicial or arbitration decision.
The Law Firm offers a highly qualified service in the field of tax legislation. The Law Firm commit the solution of tax problems of its clients, not only in judicial way, but also in an administration way. In the last one, it has been very successful and much preferred by the business community.
Our attorneys provide clients with a full range of immigration and naturalization legal services which are carefully crafted to reflect each client's goals and objectives.

Our law practice has grown to include representation of our multinational clients in global visa, work and residence permit applications.

Tivari Law Firm is composed of qualified Albanian Citizenship Lawyers and legal experts on the Albanian Citizenship application.

We assist on Albanian Citizenship and we have more than 10 years of experience in Albanian Citizenship Assistance program.

Tivari Law Firm is also composed of qualified Immigration Lawyers and legal experts on Visa applications.


Heqja e Dekretit të Dëbimit (Ekspulsi - Espulso)
Studio Ligjore TIVARI e njohur nga Institucionet Shqiptare dhe Ndërkombëtare ofron ndihmë ligjore (Avokatore) në zgjidhjen e çështjes suaj brenda një afati të shkurtër duke ju dhënë një zgjidhje efektive.

Në bazë të Ligjit:
1. Edhe pse ka mbaruar afati i dëbimit ju duhet të vazhdoni
procedurën ligjore për fshirjen e këtij Dekret dëbimi
(Espulsit) nga sistemi SIS.
2. I huaji i dëbuar mund të rihyjë në shtetin e zonës Shengen, edhe përpara se të ketë marrë fund periudha e ndalimit të ardhjes.
Studio ligjore “TIVARI” merr përsipër procedurën ligjore për të dyja rastet e cituara më sipër për të gjithë shtetet e zonës Shengen.